New Zealand needs more female role models in science, maths and IT if we are to meet future industry demands says the new principal of one of the country’s most respected private girls schools.
Chilton Saint James’ new head Kathy Parker says that the education requirements of today’s girls have changed significantly since the school’s inception. “The challenge in educating the next generation of girls is ensuring that we not only provide the most up-to-date learning resources for science, technology, engineering, and maths education,but help them find the passion to carry them through into successful career paths,” says Parker.
Alongside a greater focus on technology, and teaching of the curriculum it's important that today's young women are armed with skills such as resilience, flexibility, leadership and initiative, she says.“My goal is to ensure that we prepare young Chilton women for the rapidly changing world they now inhabit by constantly reviewing our offering and ensuring that our curriculum remains relevant to them. We want to keep our girls engaged with material that is diverse, challenging and satisfying,” she says.
Part of this diversity includes a strong emphasis on service and the artistic disciplines the school offers, says Parker.She says the increasing emphasis on development of STEM science, technology, engineering,and mathematics subjects actually complements Chilton’s traditionally strong performance in the arts.
If anyone needs a role model, my daughter is one who is well balanced in her work and social work. Next month she will leave for the Solomons Island for her VSA for 18 months. She leaves behind a very good lawyer's job. Girls like Gabrielle is very hard to find.