Sunday, June 28, 2015

NZ Needs More Female Technology Role Models for Future Growth - Principal

New Zealand needs more female role models in science, maths and IT if we are to meet future industry demands says the new principal of one of the country’s most respected private girls schools.

Chilton Saint James’ new head Kathy Parker says that the education requirements of today’s girls have changed significantly since the school’s inception. “The challenge in educating the next generation of girls is ensuring that we not only provide the most up-to-date learning resources for science, technology, engineering, and maths education,but help them find the passion to carry them through into successful career paths,” says Parker.

Alongside a  greater  focus on technology,  and teaching of  the  curriculum it's  important  that today's  young  women  are  armed  with  skills  such  as  resilience,  flexibility,  leadership  and initiative, she says.“My goal is to ensure that we prepare young Chilton women for the rapidly changing world they now inhabit  by  constantly  reviewing  our  offering  and  ensuring  that  our  curriculum remains relevant to them. We want to keep our girls engaged with material that is diverse, challenging and satisfying,” she says.

Part of this diversity includes a strong emphasis on service and the artistic disciplines the school offers, says Parker.She says the increasing emphasis on development of STEM  science, technology, engineering,and mathematics subjects actually complements Chilton’s traditionally strong performance in the arts.

If anyone needs a role model, my daughter is one who is well balanced in her work and social work. Next month she will leave for the Solomons Island for her VSA for 18 months. She leaves behind a very good lawyer's job. Girls like Gabrielle is very hard to find.

Friday, June 26, 2015

National volunteers week

The Color Red [Friday My Town Shoot Out]

Get involved in promoting volunteering in New Zealand during National Volunteer Week.

VNZ puts together resources to help you promote events and activities starting the 3rd Sunday of June annually.

National Volunteer Week is from 21-27 June 2015. I have been involved in teaching ESOL, English speakers of other Languages for about nine years. I take a day off to volunteer teaching them.There have been others who have volunteered for a long time.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

The Bee Hive, and my books

The is the Icon of New Zealand, The Beehive , the parliament of New Zealand. All five of my books are circulated in the National Library of New Zealand.

Alexander Turnbull Library - National Library of New Zealand
Alexander Turnbull Library - National Library of New Zealand
Wellington, New Zealand

304 miles Library info Add to favorites
National Library of New Zealand
National Library of New Zealand - Wellington Service Centre
Wellington, 6011 New Zealand

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Alphabe-Thursday: Alphabet letter E: edible

At Mangere mountain, I saw these mushrooms and asked my friends if they are edible. She joked that these may be magic mushrooms and might make you happy.

Almost a hundred years ago, when my maternal grandma was a young woman, the Chinese beliefs were a woman has no standing in the society. When she was young, she was subjected to her dad, when she was married to her husband and mother in law, and in her old age, to her son.

My grandma told us why she didn't eat mushroom. The villagers found a whole lot of mushroom. She and two other young women were made to cook them but not allowed to eat them. 

Grandma said God had eyes, all except the three women were drunk in stupor, they were in a coma state for three days. She thought the people had died.

They were so stoned. Magic mushroom could stone elephants. My Sri Lankan friend gave me this " stoned" elephant and it reminds me of my grandma.


Thursday, June 4, 2015

Lecretia Seales was unsuccessful in seeking a landmark High Court ruling

Lecretia Seales with her mother. Photo / supplied
Lecretia Seales was unsuccessful in seeking a landmark High Court ruling to allow her doctor to help her die without criminal prosecution.

A very sick Lecretia dies, and her mum becomes a bereaved mother.