Friday, August 29, 2014

My older daughter pushing her younger brother when they were young.

Deborah was very tender to her late brother Andrew. She took care of Sam.

Deborah edited this book.

~ Youth ~

The PhotoHunt for today is 'Youth'

Friday, August 15, 2014


Curses, voodoo dolls, talismans, hexes, I wrote this in my book Cry Of the Oppressed women, Chapter Nancy.

I show you a common curse practiced in South East Asia and the Philipines. You see a small bottle with a coloured liquid hanging on a fruit tree. Kids are told not to go near the tree because it is cursed and if you go near or pick the fruits, you will be cursed too.

In actual fact, there is no curse, it just a way that the tree owner frightened anyone who steals his fruit. Over time, some people believe in them.

Photohunt: Curse

Friday, August 8, 2014

who is ann chin

我是 Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪
 In Sarawak my name was Kit Suet. The meaning is clean 


I am the writer of "Diary of a Bereaved Mother " 

丧儿记,: 丧失儿子的母亲的一本传记

"From China To Borneo and beyond" 

海外华人的中国魂: 从中国,到南洋,到更远

"Mail Order Bride."

Forward by : Pastor Jonathan Dove.

 My baby died 24 years ago. I have become a  spokes person for bereaved parents. I am a member of Sands and a parent advocate.

After the book was released,
My book was featured in the Aucklander.
I appeared in Television 1 Down Under program. It's ok to cry On baby bereavement.
I spoke in the Baptist Women's Annual Convention, North Island Chapter.

My book was exhibited  at the Peacock 
Art Gallery, Upton Country, Dorset, Park England.

I am going to present a workshop on Asian Infant Bereavement at the Sands National conference for Sands families and medical personnels for 200 attendees in September 2013

Available in New Zealand at: Women's Bookshop, University Bookshop, Auckland, Church of Christ Bookshop
Online orders: Wheeler books, Overseas order:
Bookworks <>


Third Edition, June 2012,  306 pages, 
categories: self help, inspiration, bereavement,


ISBN: 978-0-473-18709-5

First edition, February, 2013 310 pages
categories:Life Stories (Biographies,

 Autobiographies, Family Histories, 


ISBN: 978-0-473-23900-8

First edition: July 2013 Fiction

ISBN: 978-0-473-25414-8

This book is the embodiment of the darker side of today’s society. 

Published May 2014

Women face many kinds of oppression through the centuries. The author takes you to a journey of modern day oppression.
This story traces the life of Nadine, a girl born to Indian parents. It embodies the issues of a Kiwi girl, Nadine, growing up in conflicting cultures and getting lost in her environment.
Nadine grows up to overcome her problems to help women who suffered from physical and mental violence, domestic violence, rape, pornography, swinging, incest, bullying, sex with minors, sex slavery and human trafficking.

Every book, every volume you see here, has a soul. The soul of the person who wrote it and of those who read it and lived and dreamed with it.
― Carlos Ruiz Zafón, The Shadow of the Wind

Charlotte's web.

This Charlotte's web is not the spider in the children's book.

Two girls on a documentary from New Zealand are hoping that this marijuana would help them.  It is banned in NZ, one girl has an American mum, and and they have flown to USA to be treated. The other hopes it will be legalised in NZ when the other one is cured.

Charlotte's Web is a strain of medical marijuana processed into a marijuana extract[1] that is high in cannabidiol (CBD) content, called Realm Oil and Alepsia. It does not induce the psychoactive "high" typically associated with recreational marijuana use.

The Charlotte's Web strain is named after Charlotte Figi, whose story has led to her being described as "the girl who is changing medical marijuana laws across America."[2] Her parents and physicians say she experienced a reduction of her epileptic seizures after her first dose of medical marijuana at five years of age. Her usage of the strain was featured in the 2013 CNN documentary "Weed". Media coverage increased demand for Realm Oil and similar products high in CBD, which has been used to treat epilepsy in toddlers and children. While high profile and anecdotal reports have sparked interest in treatment with cannabinoids,[3] there is insufficient medical evidence to draw conclusions about their safety or efficacy.[3][4]

Cannabis as illustrated in Köhler's book of medicinal plants from 1897

The ordinary: fences

In this book, I described some houses like this.

 Fences screaming,
Go away,
Get off my property.

Fences screaming,
mind your business,
I mind mine.

Fences screaming.
There is something sinister.
I wonder what?

Is it a hydro house?
Is it a home imprisonment?
Is there something unlawful?

I lament the time when I was growing up,
we just cross to our neighbour's house.
Gone is such a bygone era.

I am glad, I still live in a house like this.
I am glad, I never lived in a fence in house.
I would feel claustrophobic.

The Ordinary [Friday My Town Shoot Out] [Link-Up]

Sometimes the best things in life are the ordinary and small happenings. This Friday share something ordinary from your town that delights you every time.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Writing and me 

I have been writing for many years  and during my public speaking and press interview, I am often asked why I write.

Writing is an  incredible vehicle for exploring our passions and finding our voices. It is also a powerful tools for healing in the face of trauma;  It is a cathartic one. It gives a form of psychological relief through the open expression of strong emotions.

I remember 2 days after I was told that my baby Andrew was going to die, I spent the whole evening and night writing, and writing and writing. I wrote a whole 12 Foolscap pages of notes, my history of my pregnancy, my fear of the future, and what would happen when Andrew died. I did not sleep, and the nurses left me alone.

At that time, I wrote this notes to share with my family living abroad,  writing a record for my two surviving  daughters aged 4 and 2. As days went on, Andrew had not died, I sat at the corner of his cubicle by his corner in NICU. I felt the only thing I could do to keep me sane was to write.

I wrote to tell my painful truths to help myself heal in my bereavement and to keep the memories of Andrew alive.

It was only when Andrew was turning 21 did I decide to turn these notes to a book to help other grieving mothers and fathers. Since the book had been published, numerous grieving mothers have come to tell me that I have helped them. They have found in my writing empathy. They were not alone in their crushed helplessness and bewildered after the death of their child.

Writing the book brought me to a TV  documentary. I was asked about my grieving and how I coped. The theme of the documentary was it is OK to cry, which has since my opening line when I "meet" another grieving mum. I encourage them to cry, and to write their experience.

My book was exhibited in England and is used as a reference book in a university hospital in Canada.

Writing has become a passion to me. I have since published 3 other books, and I blog daily.  Indeed it is cathartic.

Alphabe Thursday: Letter L for library

Photo: It is a privilege to have the library of my Alma Mata circulate all my four books. This is the library of Auckland University when we visited in 2000.

I am very privileged that my alma mata's library is circulating all my 4 books.


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Con-joint twins.

This photo of a Filipinno conjoint twins Clarence  and Carl Aguirre, while they were still con-jointed tugs at my heart string. Their operation was successful, was it because they had a "staged separation" that took four surgeries over nine months or were they in a less severe condition.

Ganga & Jamuna Shreshta were born in Kathmandu, Nepal in 2000. They came to Singapore in 2001 and underwent  a grueling, 100-hour operation. Sadly Ganga died 8 years later in 2008. Ganga was left brain-damaged and died of pneumonia .

I was privileged to be invited to see Ganga and Jamuna while they were still con jointed. The image burnt into my brain, the grand father said he invited me to see them because I helped in their fund raising. My friend Manchala and I were the only non medical and non family to see them in this condition.

Looking at Clarence and Carl's photo, for a while I thought it was Ganga and Jamuna.

Sadly, their dad left the mum.

Monday, August 4, 2014

The University of Auckland Library

So glad that Auckland Univeristy, my alma mata is circulating all my 4 books


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From China to Borneo and beyond / Ann Kit Suet Chin-Chan.

Ann Kit Suet Chin 1954-

Auckland, N.Z. : Ann Kit Suet Chin-Chan 2013.

Available at GENERAL LIBRARY  (959.5 C539 )

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Mail order bride / Ann Kit Suet Chin-Chan.

Ann Kit Suet Chin 1954-

Auckland : Ann Kit Suet Chin, 2013.

Available at GENERAL LIBRARY New Zealand & Pacific Level G (823.92 C54Gm )

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Cry of oppressed women / Ann Kit Suet Chin Chan.

Ann Kit Suet Chin 1954-

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Diary of a bereaved mother / Ann Kit Suet Chin.

Ann Kit Suet Chin 1954-

Auckland, N.Z. : A.K.S. Chin 2011. 2nd ed.

Available at GENERAL LIBRARY New Zealand & Pacific Level G (155.937 C539 )

Saturday, August 2, 2014

No Smacking Law

"The police will get you." a dilemma faced by parents when they feel they have a necessity to discipline their kids. We have the No smacking rule here in NZ, and I understand in Oz too.

A friend's husband was jailed because it was reported he physically abused his daughter in a playground in front of other parents. My friend became an oppressed woman to the system.



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Our mailing address is:
Family First
P.O.Box 276-133
Manukau CityAuckland 2241
New Zealand

Hear more from Malala

Hear more from Malala

Aug 1, 2014 — Dear friend,

When I went to Nigeria this Malala Day, to speak up for the rights of girls everywhere, you were there raising your voice right beside me.

Thank you.

On Malala Day, you and 150,000 others around the world signed onto my statement to show you are with us, and that together we are #StrongerThan fear, oppression and violence.

Thanks to you, when I met some of the kidnapped Nigerian girls and their parents, I was able to say they had your support. When I met the Nigerian President I was able to say I spoke for many more. When I rose to speak before the world's media I knew you stood behind me. I knew that together we were #StrongerThan those who would deny girls an education.

For the first time, with the eyes of the world watching, the Nigerian President agreed to meet for the with those parents and escaped girls — a meeting that happened last week. You helped that meeting happen.

But this is just the beginning. We must keep the #BringBackOurGirls campaign alive and stronger than ever in solidarity with those schoolgirls who remain kidnapped. We must not rest until all our sisters and brothers enjoy the right to go to school.

I ask that you join us and be the first to know about our plans here:

Thank you for standing with me,
Stand with me and the Nigerian girls: show the world we are #StrongerThan those who deny girls an education
Stand with me and the Nigerian girls: show the world we are #StrongerThan those who deny girls an education
I am in Nigeria with some of the brave girls who have sacrificed so much to get an education and achieve their dreams. We are petitioning YOU to stand...